Stabilize the Climate
By 2030, companies will transform how they power the economy, move people and goods across the globe, source materials and design products and services. Through these actions, companies will reduce absolute GHG emissions across their value chains by at least 50% in order to limit warming to 1.5 ºC, or less, over pre-industrial levels. In order to limit warming to 1.5 ºC companies will also remove carbon emissions, within and outside their value chains, on a trajectory to net-zero emissions by 2040. Recognizing the human impacts of the climate crisis, companies will prioritize strategies, solutions and public policies that support a just and equitable transition to a net-zero emissions economy. To meet this vision by 2030, companies will take the following actions:
GHG Emissions Reduction and Carbon Removal
Set and meet greenhouse gas emissions reduction to achieve at least a 50% absolute reduction throughout the value chain by 2030 and carbon removal targets that place the company on a trajectory to net-zero emissions by 2040, implementing solutions that ensure a just and equitable transition to a net-zero emissions economy.
All forms of transportation across the value chain transition to low- and zero-emission vehicles, fuels and modes, and companies provide employees equitable access to zero-emissions transportation options, as well as remote work arrangements.
Renewable Energy and Energy Optimization
Run global operations on 100% renewable electricity, increase energy efficiency by at least 30% and transition all buildings to net-zero emissions.
Land Restoration and No Deforestation
Eliminate deforestation across the value chain and protect and restore land to keep carbon in the ground and preserve vital ecosystems and the services they provide.

Protect Water and Natural Resources
By 2030, companies will decouple business growth from the destruction of natural ecosystems and commit to becoming resource positive, giving back more than they take from the planet, in a way that strengthens ecosystems and prioritizes resource access for vulnerable communities. Companies will design waste and pollution out of their businesses, keep products and materials in use and protect and restore natural ecosystems and biodiversity. In particular, companies will recognize fresh water as the world’s most precious natural resource, essential to whole industries and all communities and ecosystems. By sustainably managing water use, eliminating pollution, taking collective action and supporting the human right to water, companies will achieve a water balance in high stress regions, on the trajectory to net positive water impact. To meet this vision by 2030, companies will take the following actions:
Natural Resource Protection and Restoration
Protect and contribute to the restoration of natural ecosystems and biodiversity by achieving resource positivity for key raw materials, sharply reducing demand for renewable and non-renewable resources and bringing circular economy business solutions to scale throughout the value chain.
For direct and supplier operations, reduce water use in the context of local water supply challenges and achieve water balance in watersheds of high water stress.
Eliminate water pollution across all areas of the value chain, to ensure the health of aquatic ecosystems and the communities that depend on them.

Build a Just and Inclusive Economy
By 2030, companies will demonstrate through policies, goals and management systems an understanding of how these can contribute to a more just and equitable society. They will start with a respect for the fundamental human rights of their direct and indirect workforce and those people impacted directly and indirectly by corporate activities--and they will become strong advocates for changing the institutions and policies that perpetuate inequities. Companies will recognize the value of an equitable, diverse and inclusive workplace and provide all employees with equitable treatment, opportunity, wages and benefits--recognizing the particular need to empower and invest in women and other historically disadvantaged and underrepresented groups throughout its value chain. Corporate workforces at all levels, including the board and senior leadership, will reflect the intersectional diversity (gender, race, sexual orientation, disability, etc.) of the company’s stakeholders. In an economy increasingly marked by rapid transformation, companies will actively consider the human impact of business model disruption and will work to support a just and inclusive transition for all impacted employees, consumers and communities. To meet this vision by 2030, companies will take the following actions:
Respect human rights and proactively avoid causing or contributing to adverse human rights impacts through a company’s own business activities or business relationships. Use a lens of saliency to inventory the intersection between company operations and sustainable business priorities to identify opportunities that advance social progress for women, people of color, and other historically disadvantaged and underrepresented groups.
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Build a workforce that, at all levels, reflects the intersectional diversity of the community, achieving gender parity by 2030. Foster a culture of anti-discrimination and create an inclusive workplace that empowers and invests in the advancement of women, people of color and other historically disadvantaged and underrepresented groups.
Provide all direct employees and contractors equal pay and benefits for comparable work—helping to close the wealth gap for women, people of color and other historically disadvantaged and underrepresented groups. Pay at minimum a living wage, and create equitable access to comprehensive benefits for all.
A Just and Inclusive Transition
Enable a just and inclusive transition toward an economic future that supports the well-being of workers and their communities. Companies avoid adverse impacts to people that occur as a result of internally and externally driven business model disruption (e.g. clean energy transition, automation/AI, resource scarcity, etc.) and embrace sustainable business models that engender greater social equity.

Strategic Planning and Execution
Companies will recognize that sustained value creation and the license to operate depend on business models and corporate strategies that link financial performance to the sustained health and well-being of the planet and all of its communities. Companies will integrate material and salient sustainability risks and opportunities, including relevant stakeholder perspectives and concerns, into business planning and execution to achieve sustainable business goals and drive innovation across business models. To meet this vision, companies will take the following actions:
Corporate Purpose and Business Case
Articulate a purpose that demonstrates shared value for all key stakeholders and aligns financial interest, business strengths and the company’s role in sustaining and improving the well-being of the planet and society.
Expand the definition of financially material risk to include material and salient sustainability impacts, and prioritize these risks, and also the related opportunities, in the setting of business priorities.
Strategic Planning and Scenario Analysis
Integrate material and salient sustainability risks and opportunities into strategic planning, enterprise risk management, capital expenditure and investment calculations, and conduct sustainability-related scenario analysis to better analyze environmental and social impacts throughout the value chain and across multiple time horizons.
Regularly invite and equally consider a diversity of stakeholder voices in the development of strategic business priorities and decision-making, prioritizing transparent and ongoing engagement of those most impacted by the decisions being made.

Business Accountability
Companies will recognize that the integration of sustainability risks and opportunities into governance systems enables opportunity for improved performance, risk mitigation, cost reduction, increased revenue and competitive differentiation. Companies will drive business value by systematically integrating sustainability into corporate governance and decision-making from the board room to senior management to employees at all levels of the workforce. To meet this vision, companies will take the following actions:
Formalize corporate board oversight of sustainability risks and opportunities, and integrate these issues into board decisions on strategy, risk and revenue.
Senior Management Accountability
Senior leadership, including the full C-suite, maintains formal and coordinated oversight of material and salient sustainable business priorities and is held accountable by the board via compensation packages tied to sustainability goals.
Appropriately resource, train and incentivize the workforce to embed sustainability across specific job functions.

Transparency and Disclosure
Companies will recognize the value of sustainability disclosure and its ability to stimulate ingenuity and strategic thinking, improve sustainability performance, increase competitiveness in a resource-constrained economy and create value for shareholders. Companies will deliver both quantitative and qualitative information in ways that are consistent, decision-useful and comparable, ensuring disclosures are accessible and relevant to shareholders and other stakeholders. Companies will embrace transparency and public disclosure to enable all stakeholders to understand and evaluate their sustainable business strategies, priorities and approaches to both risk management and competitive differentiation. To meet this vision, companies will take the following actions:
Consistently position sustainable business priorities as critical drivers of corporate strategy and decision-making across all corporate communications, including in both voluntary and financial reporting.
Disclose decision-useful information that includes both quantitative data and qualitative contexts.
Use globally accepted disclosure standards and frameworks and seek external assurance to create comparable and verified disclosures.
Ensure sustainable business strategies, action plans and related performance data are easily accessible and relevant to key stakeholder groups.

Systems Change
Companies will recognize that no single company can build a more equitable, just and sustainable economy on its own. Companies will engage, advocate and collaborate in order to learn from and influence decision-makers, systems and policies that enable the achievement of sustainable business objectives. To ensure consistency, companies will align efforts in public policy advocacy, investor engagement and multi-stakeholder collaboration with their sustainable business priorities to stabilize the climate, protect water and natural resources and build a just and inclusive economy. To meet this vision, companies will take the following actions:
Advance regulatory certainty by advocating for public policies that align with the latest environmental science, internationally recognized standards for human and labor rights and opportunities to maximize community and worker well-being.
Proactively engage investors on sustainable business strategies and explain how they are linked to value creation and competitive differentiation.
Multi-stakeholder Collaboration
Build, engage and invest in multi-stakeholder collaborations that challenge traditional business practices to solve shared environmental and social challenges and enable systems-level change.